Gorge Food Trails

80 miles of breath-taking beauty dotted with family-owned farms, u-pick orchards,  farm-to-table experiences,  and expertly crafted cider, wine, and beer. The places listed on the East & West Gorge Food Trails are specially selected for their sourcing of local ingredients which support our growing local food system. Local never looked or tasted so good.

Food Trails

Travel Tips

Gorge Food Trails are open throughout the year and are designed to be explored at your own pace – you are welcome to start and finish wherever you like. To ensure a positive experience, please review the seasonality and hours of operation for the working farms and orchards listed here and note when it is best to call before arriving.

Your experience along the trail should not end when you leave the area. We encourage you to bring a taste of your journey back home to share with friends and family as a reminder of the bounty available in the eastern reach of the Columbia River Gorge.

Photo courtesy www.hood-gorge.com


High season varies per business but is typically June – Sept. Seasonality of key products is listed below:

• Cherries: End of June – Mid-July

• Apricots: July

• Peaches: July – August

• Apples: Late August – October

• Pears: Mid-August – Mid-September

• Wheat harvest: July – August

The working farms in the Gorge provide some of the most unique and engaging experiences. We ask that you respect the invitation to enter each property and be cautious around farm animals and equipment. Children must be supervised at all times and you should be prepared to follow all site-specific rules. For your safety and comfort, be prepared with appropriate footwear, sun protection and water.


If you want to make your experience of the food trails a car-free adventure, visit columbiagorgecarfree.com.


Interested in a guided farm, orchard and beverage tour? Many of the following operators offer tours to select trail stops and can build custom itineraries:


Why Support Local?

The Food Trail is a way for locals & visitors to have access to locally crafted products from our region. Supporting local food is a way to support our local communities and the producers/crafters that work hard to grow and use our local ingredients. Collectively marketing and promoting each and every business that sees the value in sourcing local makes the Food Trail a true community project!